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WP User Frontend makes the frontend better for you! It includes frontend dashboard, frontend editor, publishing, and uploader for WordPress user profile, post submissions, and memberships.

#1 Frontend Post Submission, Membership, Profile Builder, & WordPress Editor Plugin


Unlimited post-type form creation

The forms let users create new posts and edit their profile from the site frontend, with no need to access admin panel or backend.

Update Profile from the Frontend

This WordPress Profile Plugin allows registered users to edit their profile using default fields from frontend. (Unlimited fields can be added using PRO)

Flexibility for Admins

Admins can manage users both from frontend and backend to control who can access the dashboard.

Featured Image & Image Upload

Users can upload images and featured image for a post using the Image Upload option on the post content area.

Drag-and-drop Form Builder

Quickly build your form with necessary fields using drag-and-drops and real-time preview that updates as you make changes.

Publish Your WPUF Forms Using Gutenberg

Easily add your published forms in the Gutenberg editor with the WPUF block. When users want to publish a form on a page, they can simply select it from the drop-down included in the dedicated WPUF block for Gutenberg. The entire form automatically renders within the editor as well as on the page.

Use Forms Anywhere Easily with Shortcodes

All of the forms get a unique shortcode which you can paste on any page and the form will generate without breaking the style of your theme.

WordPress Guest Post Submission

Enable guests to post from your site frontend without registering with WP User Frontend, the WordPress User Registration plugin. Choose to require name and email address to register automatically and allow them to comment on the posts. Allow email verification for guests.

Role Based Access Control

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